Meet the commander and crew of the Valiant. The elite intelligence force known as ...
COMMANDER BRYAN KELLY. The Admiral’s son whose early mission ended in disaster. Valiant is his chance to redeem himself ...
DR. ANTOINETTE BEAULIEU. The brilliant but disillusioned ship’s medic, she’s already been forced out of the service once. She has a lot to prove.
CAESAR SAMMS. The only surviving member of Kelly’s first command. He’s tough, loyal, and battle-hardened—but his carefree lack of caution can ruin them all ...
PHILA MOHATSA. The volatile junior operative whose secret past on a frontier planet has trained her in the use of exotic—and illegal—killing tools ...
OLAF SIGGERSON. An older, more experienced civilian pilot, pressed into service, who rarely agrees with Commander Kelly’s judgment.
OPERATIVE 41. The genetically altered half Salukan, dependable, but cold and impartial—who can be sure where his true alliance lies?
OUOJI. The ship’s mascot ... and perhaps much more.